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What is PM 2.5 

Particulate matter rendering | Designua/
Particulate matter rendering | Designua/

PM stands for particulate matter, which can also be called particulate pollution. It is a term which can include solid particles and liquid droplets found in the air. PM 2.5 describes fine inhabitable particles with diameters that are generally 2.5 micrometers (microns) or smaller. This can include common dust particles, allergens, debris, or any material of that size. 

Sources of PM 2.5

These particles come in all different shapes and can vary in sizes, some being larger and some smaller. Their composition can be made up of hundreds of different chemicals. 

Some common sources can include construction sites, soil and road dust, fine pollen, fields, vehicle emissions, oil burning, heavy industry high temperature combustion, smokestacks or fires, residential cooking or smoking. 

Harmful Effects of PM 2.5

It is known that the size of particles is directly related to the effect on our health. Therefore, the smaller the size, the greater their potential for causing health problems. Small particles such as PM 2.5 pose the greatest risk, because they can penetrate deep into your lung alveoli. In addition, some may find their way into your bloodstream.

Exposure to such particles can affect both your lungs and your heart. Numerous scientific studies have linked particle pollution exposure to a variety of problems, including:

  • Cardiovascular effects
  • Respiratory well-being 
  • Neurological
  • Reproductive [1]

Cardiovascular Effects 

Studies have shown a clear association between PM 2.5 and cardiovascular diseases, including arrhythmia, cardiac arrest, coronary artery disease, and heart failure.

Short term:

  • Increased rates of myocardial infarction and ischemia in those at risk [2]
  • Exacerbation of cardiac failure [3]
  • Increase blood pressure [4]

Long term:

  • Increased rates of myocardial infarction [5]
  • Accelerated development of atherosclerosis [6]
  • Increased blood coagulability [7]

The American Heart Association (AHA) has recognized the link between poor indoor air quality and cardiovascular health. Analyzing 30 years of data, researchers established a direct correlation between exposure to PM 2.5 and increased stroke and heart disease-related disabilities. [8]

Respiratory Well-Being

Airborne particles such as PM 2.5 deposit in the nose and pharynx of our respiratory system. In addition, PM 2.5 are known to penetrate deep into the respiratory system and potentially cause or worsen currently existing respiratory health issues. PM 2.5 particles or smaller may find their way through the cell membranes of the alveoli into our bloodstream. 

Short term:

  • Increased incidence of arrhythmia
  • Increased incidence of deep vein thrombosis
  • Increased incidence of stroke
  • Increased wheeze
  • Exacerbation of asthma
  • Exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • Bronchiolitis and other respiratory infections
  • Increased incidence of emergency department visits [9,10,11,12,13]


  • Increase in systemic inflammatory markers
  • Increased incidence of pneumonia
  • Increased incidence of lung cancer
  • Impaired lung development in children
  • Development of new asthma [14,15,16,17,18,19]

Reproductive Disorders

Numerous studies have looked at long-term exposure to PM 2.5, primarily in major polluted cities. As a result, correlations have been made with PM 2.5 and reproductive disorders. 


  • Increased incidence of preterm birth
  • Increased incidence of low birth weight [20, 21]

Neurological Disorders


  • Increased risk of Alzheimer’s
  • Increased risk of Parkinson’s
  • Increased risk of neurodegenerative diseases [22, 23]

In addition to the common long-term disorders, studies have reported decreased cognitive performance, olfactory problems, auditory impairments, and depression symptoms. Also, negative neuropsychological consequences have been reported in humans in highly polluted areas.  Experimental studies support the hypothesis that air pollution is a developmental neurotoxicant. [22]

Altogether, studies in humans and many animal models suggest that air pollution from PM 2.5 may harm the developing brain and perhaps lead to neurodevelopmental problems. Autism spectrum disorder is a prominent neurodevelopmental condition, and studies show that PM 2.5 may be associated with neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative diseases. [23]

Who is at Greatest Risk?

Elderly, children, and people with heart or lung disease are the most vulnerable to particulate matter pollution. Therefore, it is advised that this group monitor their environmental exposure levels and seek out solutions and preventative measures to reduce the risk.  To monitor the amount of particulate matter in your outdoor environment, visit AirNow.


The EPA has set standards defined as time-weighted averages. The current short term average for 24 hours is set at 35 μg/m3. If the average value is near this limit, it is recommended to follow the recommendations for the solutions below, as set by the EPA. [24]

Averaging timeLevelForm
1 year – long term standard9.0 μg/m3annual mean, averaged over 3 years
24 hours – short term standard35 μg/m398th percentile, averaged over 3 years
To learn more about how to monitor the levels in your home, reach out to your local air quality expert for a free call.


Although PM 2.5 is a health concern, there are steps you can take and solutions to help monitor and control the levels.


  • If you have one, consider using an air cleaner. This can greatly reduce indoor air particle levels. Such cleaners come in all shapes and sizes. HEPA filters have one of the highest filter efficiencies. [25]
  • If you have central heating or cooling, set the system to “on” so that air is constantly filtered, rather than “auto” which intermittently runs the system. [25]
  • Consider upgrading your to a high efficiency filter (MERV 13 rating or higher) if your system can handle it based on the manufacturer’s recommendation. [25]
  • Finally, consider installing an advanced air purifier using ionization technology. This will help your filter purifiers more efficiently capture airborne particles. An example of a product is the SONA Ducty H.
  • Call a local air quality expert. This free call will connect with you a certified consultant in air quality which can talk to you about monitoring options, things you can do now to help and upgrades you can make to your space for long-term control.


Short Term Exposure

System AffectedHealth Effects
CardiovascularIncreased rates of myocardial infarction and ischemia in those at risk
Exacerbation of cardiac failure
Increase blood pressure
RespiratoryIncreased incidence of arrhythmia
Increased incidence of deep vein thrombosis
Increased incidence of stroke
Increased wheeze
Exacerbation of asthma
Exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Bronchiolitis and other respiratory infections
Increased incidence of emergency department visits

Long Term Exposure

System AffectedHealth Effects
CardiovascularIncreased rates of myocardial infarction
Accelerated development of atherosclerosis
Increased blood coagulability
RespiratoryIncrease in systemic inflammatory markers
Increased incidence of pneumonia
Increased incidence of lung cancer
Impaired lung development in children
Development of new asthma
ReproductiveIncreased incidence of preterm birth
Increased incidence of low birth weight
BrainIncreased risk of Alzheimer’s
Increased risk of Parkinson’s
Increased risk of neurodegenerative diseases


In conclusion, PM 2.5 is an airborne pollutant to monitor and control both short-term and long-term. Sensitive populations should take special precautions and have best practices in place in their spaces to minimize exposure and risk for health complications related to PM 2.5. Solutions exist to maintain your spaces as healthy as possible against this pollutant. Always consultant with a medical professional for any health-related questions. For recommendations on where to start and how to help minimize risk of PM 2.5 inside your space, reach out to our certified indoor air quality experts.